DSL & MIC retreat "Virtual Imaging Analysis"

On January 26, 2024, 25 participants from the faculties of Vetsuisse, Natural sciences, and Medicine met for DSL (www.dsl.unibe.ch) and MIC (www.mic.unibe.ch) retreat. The topic of the meeting was a feasibility of establishing a Virtual Imaging Platform at the University of Bern. The aim of this platform is to provide comprehensive support and virtualised IT infrastructure for storage, handling, and analysis of the images for all interested researchers at Bern.
In the morning session Guillaume Witz (DSL), Stefan Tschanz (ANA) and Sigve Haug (DSL) described the current situation and issues related to the launch of this platform, as well as available digitalisation initiatives around Bern. All participants also presented their expectations and user needs, which can be met by such a platform. The status of the image analysis and data storage has been discussed in detailed talks of the scientists from the Institutes of Human and Animal Anatomy, Cell Biology, Theodor Kocher Institute and other research units of the university. In the afternoon session the participants of the retreat reviewed concrete steps of implementing the platform, which resources are currently available, and how to develop a sustainable financial model of operation.
The common note of the retreat was that the organisation of this platform would be extremely advantageous. It can offer new services to the imaging community at the University of Bern and contribute to more quantitative and reproducible science. To achieve this goal, a working group was set up to evaluate existing resources, to discuss with stake holders at UniBE (e.g. Informatikdienste, ID) and to prepare the application to the University of Bern's Digitization Commission (Steuerungsgruppe Digitale Infrastruktur, SDIG).