ELMI 2023

The 22nd International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting place on June 6-9, 2023 in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. More than 400 participants from Europe and the whole world discussed recent advances in light microscopy aimed at a life sciences audience.

During the first day of the meeting, in a traditional core facility session, the representatives of the imaging facilities discussed the topics of common interest such as cyber security, facility equipment maintenance and tools, staff development, data management.  During the following two and a half days of the conference the leading scientists in the field presented and discussed with delegates the latest achievements in microscopy. The topics of this year were: Functional imaging, new technologies, data management & analysis, intravital & light sheet, CLEM, and high content. Additionally, more than 50 leading companies active in microscopy instrumentation and related fields introduced latest cutting-edge technical developments in informative workshops and booth presentations. As usual, ELMI provided an excellent opportunity for networking with colleagues from Industry and Academia.

MIC was well represented by three MIC members. Olivier Pertz (Institute of Cell Biology), Ruslan Hlushchuk (Institute of Anatomy) and Yury Belyaev (MIC) attended the meeting. Olivier gave an invited talk ‘’Spatio-temporal interrogation of signalling networks using biosensor imaging and optogenetics’’ covering the latest work in his lab. Ruslan in his talk ‘’Towards high accuracy µCT-LM-EM correlative workflow with fluorescent µCT contrast’’ presented along with the research of his group also a collaborative project with Y. Belyaev and colleagues from the University of Fribourg (Felix Meyenhofer, Boris Egger) and the University of Porto (Paula Sampaio, Ines Alencastre and Maria Azevedo).