PhD program Cutting Edge Microscopy - Study Trip 2025

On January 24 and 25, 2025, a study tour took 10 PhD students of the PhD specialization program Cutting Edge Microscopy (CEM) and senior researchers involved in steering the CEM program to Heidelberg, Germany. On the first day, the students visited the Infectious Diseases Imaging Platform (IDIP) at the Center for Integrative Infectious Disease (CIID) at Heidelberg University and on the second day, the study tour continued with a visit to the brand new Imaging Center at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Both facilities have an impressive portfolio of imaging techniques and microscopic instruments. Educational presentations with research examples from institute members and site visits provided an insight into the facilities. The institute directors Vibor Laketa, IDIP, Heidelberg University, and Timo Zimmermann, Imaging Center, EMBL, warmly welcomed the students and guided them through the program. The event was rounded off with an interesting guided tour of Heidelberg at night. This news article is supplemented by a downloadable report written by the students.