Swiss Microscopy Core-Facility Day 2023

11th Swiss microscopy core facility day this year took place on September 14, 2023 in Zurich and was organised by ScopeM, an imaging platform of ETH Zurich. About 50 members of Swiss imaging facilities and representatives of microscopy companies convened for a day to discuss the questions related to recent microscopy developments and different aspects of microscopy faculty operation. In the morning talk, Matthia Karreman from DKFZ in Heidelberg, presented her research on imaging preclinical models of brain metastases with LM-uCT-EM corelative approaches. In the afternoon, sessions the number of facility and scientific speakers covered the subjects of super resolution and spatial omics, particularly how these new technologies can be implemented in an imaging facility. At the end of the meeting, participants were able to tour the ScopeM and see the most interesting systems there and learn about projects performed on them. The meeting finished with an informal apéro where the participants had a chance to network with each other and talk to speakers and industry delegates. Yury Belyaev represented MIC in this meeting. Next year the Swiss core facility day will be taking place in Geneva or Lausanne.