
MIC ensures expert knowledge from live imaging of whole organisms to organs, cells and subcellular dynamics. From 2D to 5D and from the mesoscopic scale to the ultrastructural level. Light microscopy, electron microscopy, micro computed tomography and atomic force microscopy. The MIC is characterized by a unique structure: The microscopes are located at the respective scientific experts and are also owned by the corresponding institutes. The microscopes, which are thus decentralized, are distributed across 18 institutes and 3 faculties.

All instruments registered at the MIC are listed in OpenIRIS here. For specific microscope types please go to the respective pages Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and Other Systems.

If you need advice on the instrument most suitable for your research, please contact the MIC coordinator, Ruth Lyck, the MIC light microscopy manager, Yury Belyaev, or the MIC electron microscopy specialist, Benoît Zuber. Following an introduction into the operation of the equipment, it is possible to work independently for most instruments. For new requests please fill out the MIC Device Request Form (PDF, 36KB) and send it to the contact person listed in OpenIRIS.

Usage of MIC instruments is subject to a fee. For more information see Booking + Rates. The MIC price list has been developed to show the SNF eligible and non-eligible costs. Please do include prospective costs for usage of MIC instruments in your funding requests.


In case of any publication done with support of the MIC, we agreed to acknowledge MIC, e.g.:

«Microscopy was performed on equipment supported by the Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bern, Switzerland». In BORIS, which is the Bern Open Repository and Information System,  publications must be co-affiliated with the MIC.

MIC Instruments

MIC Instruments Overview
Category Type Number
Light Microscopy Widefield 28
Confocal 14
Spining disk 4
Stereo 4
Light sheet 1
2-Photon 4
Slide scanner 2
Electron Microscopy TEM 5
Atomic Force Microscopy AFM 2
Other Systems Mass Cytometry
Tomography 1