Locations UniBE

The MIC instruments are located in the following institutes. For immediate institute assignment, all instrument names start with the institute shortcut. These are as follows:

 ANA  Institute of Anatomy  MED  Google Maps
 ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research   MED   Google Maps
 DBMR Department for BioMedical Research   MED Google Maps
 DCBP Department for Chemistry and Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences  SCI Google Maps
 DCR Department of Clinical Research   VET Google Maps
 DIP Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology  VET Google Maps
 FIWI Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health   VET Google Maps
 IAP Institute of Applied Physics  SCI Google Maps
 IBMM Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine   MED Google Maps
 IPS Institute of Plant Sciences   SCI Google Maps
 IRM Institute of Forensic Medicine   MED Google Maps
 ITA Abteilung Veterinär-Anatomie   VET Google Maps
 IZB Institute of Cell Biology   SCI Google Maps
 LHEP Laboratory for High Energy Physics   SCI Google Maps
PKI Institute of Pharmacology   MED Google Maps
 PYL Department of Physiology   MED Google Maps
 TKI Theodor Kocher Institute   MED Google Maps