CEM Alumni

Graduates of the PhD Specialization Program Cutting Edge Microscopy
Last Name First Name Institute
Aydin Sidar Theodor Kocher Institut
Bindschedler Annina Institute of Cell Biology
Bruggisser  Julia Institute of Animal Pathology
Conedera Federica Department of Clinical Research
Dias Mariana Theodor Kocher Institut
Ender  Pascal Institute of Cell Biology
Ernst Alexander Institute of Anatomy
Ferrari Dario ARTORG Center for Biomedical 
Engineering Research
Gradauskaite Vaiva Vetsuisse Faculty Bern
Hauser  Daniel Adolphe Merkle Institute 
(University of Fribourg)
Heydasch Max Institute of Cell Biology
Ivan Daniela Theodor Kocher Institut
Liptay Martin Institute of Animal Pathology
Lupi Eleonora Institute of Anatomy
Madarasz Adrian Theodor Kocher Institut
Mapunda Josephine Theodor Kocher Institut
Mattei Alberto Institute of Cell Biology
Niklaus  Livia Institute of Cell Biology
Pareja Roman Javier Theodor Kocher Institut
Ruef  Nora Department for Oncology, Microbiology 
and Immunology (University of Fribourg)
Saltarin Federico Theodor Kocher Institut
Seeger  Raphaela Institute of Anatomy
Spera Irene Theodor Kocher Institut
Stojiljokovic Ana Department of Clinical Research 
and Veterinary Public Health
Stoklosa Paulina Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Wacker  Rahel Institute of Cell Biology
Zamprogno Pauline ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
Zeinali  Soheila ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research