PhD program Cutting Edge Microscopy

The PhD program Cutting Edge Microscopy (CEM) is jointly offered by the Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) and the Microscopy Imaging Center (MIC). The main aim of the CEM program is to provide an interdisciplinary training program to PhD students to become first-class experts in biological imaging. Here, the unique and interdisciplinary framework established by MIC provides the necessary infrastructure and expert knowledge.

The profile of PhDs at the end of their training is that of a life science researcher with a deep insight into advanced microscopy and image analysis and with the necessary know-how to develop automated image analysis protocols. By providing this complementary training in different disciplines, the Cutting Edge Microscopy PhD program educates young researchers with the ability to bring innovative approaches to academia and industry, closing an exciting knowledge gap amongst the life science experts in advanced microscopy.

PhD students registered to the Cutting Edge Microscopy program profit from:

  • Basic knowledge in microscopy.
  • Know-how about high-end microscopy.
  • Courses in image processing and data management.
  • Overview on the broad panel of microscopic techniques available in Bern and Fribourg.
  • Workshops and practical courses that can individually be chosen.
  • Networking with other PhD students applying microscopy.
  • Personal contact to advanced scientist with special know-how in microscopy.
  • Cost-free participation at the CEM summer school.
  • Financial support for participation at MIC workshops at the University of Bern
  • Free use of the Imaris license at the MIC Office at the Theodor Kocher Institute

PhD students registered at the GCB and enrolled in the CEM program must achieve 10 ECTS in total. 2 ECTS must be gained from courses NOT related to microscopy. 4 ECTS must be gained within the CEM basic module and 4 ECTS must be gained within the CEM advanced module.

The successfully completion of the Cutting Edge Microscopy PhD program will be honored with a certificate supplementing the PhD degrees to be awarded by the University of Bern and the University of Fribourg according to their regulations. This certificate will be valid only in combination with the graduation certificate of the GCB.