CEM Presentation Events

Please find the dates of upcoming CEM Presentation Events here

The CEM presentation events are one educational pillar of the CEM PhD program. This event is dedicated to presentations by CEM PhD students for CEM PhD students and thus promotes networking among the students. In addition, topics related to the CEM PhD program will be discussed.

Program. The CEM presentation events usually begin with the students' presentations, which are followed by an open discussion about the past and upcoming events of the CEM PhD program, as well as a social gathering in the end for networking.

Presentations. CEM PhD students are invited to give presentations. The presentations can serve the purpose of informing colleagues about project progress or problems in their project and discussing them with them. Or presentations are given to earn ECTS. For this purpose, CEM PhD students report on previously attended MIC training courses, external summer schools or workshops, external conferences, symposia or meetings. Presentations on technical issues in microscopy or on selected other topics can also be held in this context. For students who wish to acquire ECTS from attending external courses, please complete the Statement Agreement/Significance Description form. 

How to structure presentations to gain ECTS. In these presentations, the student wraps up briefly the content of the event, explains its relevance to the own research project and shows implementation of the learning outcomes. If available, results are presented in exemplary type. The presentation should be clearly divided into introduction, implementation, results and conclusion and last no longer than 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes discussion. If students hold their presentation over two trainings, they will be given 5 minutes in addition. In the introduction, the content of the attended courses and the framework conditions (duration, instructors, theoretical information or practical implications) should be briefly reported. Aspects of special interest for the student’s project can be stressed here. In the implementation, the student elaborates on the connection points between the attended course and the student’s project. Also, content of the course which has already been applied to the student’s project can be mentioned here.

Attendance at the CEM Presentation Events will be noted and is expected from the CEM PhD students at 80% of the CEM Presentation Events.