
MIC offers education at all levels

Continued education for all University staff is listed under Services

MIC trainings are designed as a service for all University employees to further their education in basic and advanced microscopy. MIC demonstration events introduce new developments on the market. MIC closely collaborates with the service unit Data Science Lab (DSL) of the University of Bern, which offers teaching in many kind of microscopy related computational skills. As a contractual partner of the MIC, DSL also operates the helpdesk for questions about image processing.

University teaching

PhD and Master students of the Medical Faculty, the Science Faculty or the Vetsuisse Faculty are offered expert knowledge in microscopy by a broad portfolio of MIC teaching activities. The lecture series on Advanced Microscopy introduces the physical basics of microscopy and covers most aspects of modern microscopy. PhD students with a particular need for microscopy in their research project can join the PhD program Cutting Edge microscopy (CEM). MIC Workshops are designed as group activities to consolidate selected high-end microscopy methods. The MIC Journal Club is a special teaching for the PhD students enrolled in the CEM program. Bachelor Students of Human Medicine can attend the «Wahlpraktikum: Microscopy in modern life sciences»