Overview Workshops

The following categories of MIC Workshops exist:

Bio Image Analysis Lecturer/Responsible Institute University* ECTS
IMOD software for electron tomography Prof. Dr. phil. nat Benoît Zuber Institute of Anatomy UniBE 0.5
Image preparation for publication using Image J/ Fiji and other software Dr. Dimitri Vanhecke Adolph Merkle Institute UniFR 0.5

Find detailed course descriptions to all listed Bio Image Analysis courses here.

Light Microscopy Lecturer/Responsible Institute University* ECTS
Advanced Imaging - Super Resolution Microscopy Dr. Boris Egger Bioimage Core Facility UniFR 1.0
Conventional fluorescence microscopy, laser scanning microscopy and digital image processing PD Dr. Fabian Blank Department for BioMedical Research UniBE 1.5
High Content Analysis Dr. Yury Belyaev, Dr. Martin Sadowski Division of Veterinary Anatomy UniBE 0.5
Histology PD Dr. Fabian Blank, Dr. Yury Belyaev, Selina Steiner and Carlos Wotzkow Department for BioMedical Research UniBE 2.5
Hyperspectral Darkfield Imaging Dr. Dimitri Vanhecke Adolphe Merkle Institute UniFR 1.0
Intravital Microscopy Dr. Gaby Enzmann Theodor-Kocher Institute UniBE 1.0
In vitro Live Cell Imaging Prof. Dr. Ruth Lyck Theodor-Kocher Institute UniBE 1.0
Light Sheet Microscopy Prof. Dr. Nadia Mercader Institute of Anatomy UniBE 1.5
Live Cell Imaging of a translocation biosensor Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz and Benjamin Grädel Institute of Cell Biology UniBE 0.5
Microscopy in Plant Sciences Prof. Dr. Pauline Jullien Institute of Plant Sciences UniBE 0.5
Microscopy Applications for Immunological Research Prof. Dr. Marcus Thelen Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona IRB 1.5
Multiphoton Intravital Microscopy Prof. Dr. Jens Stein Department für Onkologie, Mikrobiologie und Immunologie UniFR 0.5
Stereology PD Dr. med. / Software Ing. FH Stefan Tschanz Institute of Anatomy UniBE 2.5

Find detailed course descriptions to all listed Light Microscopy courses here.

Electron Microscopy Lecturer/Responsible Institute University* ECTS
Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Benoit Zuber Institute of Anatomy UniBE 0.5
Transmission Electron Microscopy Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Benoit Zuber Institute of Anatomy UniBE 0.5

Find detailed course descriptions to all listed Electron Microscopy courses here.

Specific Applications Lecturer/Responsible Institute University* ECTS
Optical Coherence Tomography for mouse and zebrafish models Prof. Dr. Volker Enzmann Department for BioMedical Research UniBE 0.5

Find detailed course descriptions to all listed Specific Application courses here.

IRB: Institute for Research in Biomedicine, University of Bellinzona
UniBE: University of Bern
UniFR: University of Fribourg